40 Years of Friendship Motorcycle Ride

What is the first thing you remember about Bobby?
Dan: Great sense of humor. Our comic minds were always
busy and usually on the same page of music.
What is the first thing you remember about Dan?
Bobby: Gregarious personality. We didn’t really fit the typical
Bible college freshman mold. Guess that’s why we meshed.
Day 1: August 6, 2017
Day 2: August 7, 2017
Day 3: August 8, 2017
Day 4: August 9, 2017
40 Years of Friendship Ride
We met in ’76 and a friendship was struck,
Who would’ve thought 40 years later it would have stuck.
Two kids from opposite ends of the south seeking knowledge
Would meet in of all places, a Bible college.
We both majored in Speech and girls.
At 17, agreed someday on Harleys we’ll see this ole world.
Well, I became a cop and that would have been no one’s bet,
Dan on the other hand, joined the Air Force and learned to stack jets,
That’s what they call it in air traffic control,
Spent a good part of his life in Alaska, might as well have been the North Pole.
Now 40 years later, we’ve both finished our careers and can look back with pride,
only thing left to do now is to make that epic ride.
We had no where to be and no time to get there,
we left town on a Sunday loaded for bear.
The first two hundred miles were sunshine and smiles,
then the last were 300 rain filled water soaked miles.
We didn’t care we were checking a box that was long overdue,
Through Tennessee and Kentucky, we discovered the grass really is blue.
Took us all day to bust across Ohio and into PA,
We made another day of it with no plans to stay.
Spent a day in New York and rode the Catskills,
Slept late, rode easy, and still had time to kill.
I’ve been wondering if we’re trying to recapture our youth
or cram 40 years into a few short days,
Then decided no matter a friendship this strong is here to stay.
So down the Blue Ridge and a right turn toward home and this trip will be in the books,
After waiting all these years to see my pal riding beside me is a priceless look.
—Bobby Weeks, August 2017
Day 5: August 10, 2017
Day 6: August 11, 2017
Dan and Bobby rode from Front Royal, VA to Bobby’s mother’s house in Lexington, NC. It rained HARD on the curvy Skyline Blue Ridge Parkway. They saw a black bear and some deer.
From August 12 to August 19, 2017
Dan visited friends and family in Charlotte, NC.